Key Documents
- Consolidated Versions of the Treaty On European Union and the Treaty On the Functioning of the European Union
- Consolidated Version of The Treaty Establishing the European Atomic Energy Community
- Treaty Establishing the European Coal and Steel Community (Treaty of Paris)
- Treaty Establishing the European Economic Community (Treaty of Rome)
- The Euratom Treaty Consolidated Version
- Treaties Establishing the European Communities Treaties Amending these Treaties Single European Act
- Treaty on the European Union (Treaty of Maastricht)
- Treaty of Amsterdam
- Treaty of Nice (Amending the Treaty on the European Union,the Treaties Establishing the European Communities and Certain Related Acts)
- Treaty of Lisbon (Amending the Treaty on the European Union and the Treaty Establishing the European Community)
- Treaty Establishıng a Constitution for Europe
- Lisbon Strategy
- Europe 2020 A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth
- European Industrial Renaissance
- A New Strategy for the Single Market
- Energy Roadmap 2050
- European Green Deal
- White Paper on the Future of Europe
- Europe’s Digital Decade
- An Economy That Works for People
- Farm to Fork Strategy
- Biodiversity Strategy
- Circular Economy Action Plan
- An EU Strategy for Energy System Integration
- Methane Strategy
- Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability
- European Climate Pact
- Organic Action Plan
- Joint Communication: A New EU-US Agenda for Global Change
- Strengthening the EU’s Contribution to Rules-based Multilateralism
- European Democracy Action Plan
- The EU Strategy on the Rights of the Child
- EU Action Plan on Human Rights and Democracy 2020-2024