For further information on projects which have been finalized before 2014, please contact IKV Project Director Çisel İleri (
Enhancing Turkish Business World’s Capacity on Impact Assessment in the Accession Process
Based on the experience of EU’s new member states and other candidate countries, IKV organised various seminars and training courses and published a guideline on Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) within the context of the accession process, in order to raise awareness among the Turkish public. The project aimed to create the capacity on impact assessment among representative organisations of Turkish business community and civil society as well as to enhance the active participation of Turkish business community in the negotiation process. Within the scope of the project, IKV organized an opening seminar on the 23rd May 2007 and three training courses dated on the 24th-25th May 2007, 27th-28th September 2007 and 15th-16th May 2008. Furthermore a special awareness raising meeting targeting decision makers and leading actors from the business community and the public sector was held on the 14th February 2008.
If you require any further information about this project, you may contact us via
The EU Accession Negotiations Process
The “EU Accession Negotiations Process” project is the continuation of a former project entitled “Turkey-EU Seminars in Pre-Accession Process” which was carried out by IKV in 24 provinces of Turkey. This latest project initiated on the 7th June 2005 in Manisa and was finalized at the end of the year 2008. Within the scope of the project, 27 seminars covering topics such as the accession negotiations process, Turkey-EU financial cooperation, the impacts of EU membership on our daily life were organized with the support of TOBB, chambers of commerce and industry, public institutions, local administrations, NGOs and universities.
The Impacts of the Horizontal Implementation of the EU Acquis on Leading Turkish Business Sectors
With this project, the impacts of the horizontal implementation of the EU acquis on six leading sectors of the Turkish economy (cement, ceramics, food, chemicals, automobile, textiles and clothing sectors) have been analysed. The aim of the project was to strengthen the monitoring and evaluation capacity of the EU harmonization process by the representative of the sector, non-governmental organizations and public institutions in order to encourage their active participation in the process. The project was co-founded under the Civil Society Dialogue: Europa-Bridges of Knowledge Programme (DG ELARG/MEDTQ/12-02).
ABC Project
In order for the EU accession negotiations process to be better understood and for the harmonization process to be better embraced by the society, it became necessary to carry out informative activities in order to raise awareness on EU membership and its impacts on Turkey. Within this context, IKV started the ABC Project in February 2008. In this respect with the aim to inform teachers about EU and Turkey-EU relations, around 130 teachers were trained during this project.
If you require any further information about this project, you may contact us via